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Biopure BioBarb Tri-Clamp adapters

The BioPure BioBarbs Tri-Clamp-to-hosebarb adapters are manufactured from polypropylene that fulfills the requirements of the FDA, the European Pharmacopoeia, and USP Class VI. The oversized hose-barb ensures a strong connection between tubing and the sanitary fitting. The consistent internal diameter throughout the connector is specific for the BioBarb. There is no concentric reduction in the liquid's flow path.

The components in these closed moulded single-use systems are connected seamlessly to each other, so there is no chance of leakage or contamination of the product. The available TC sizes are mini-TC and standard TC. The available hose barb sizes range from 1/8 "to 1".



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Biopure BioBarb Tri-Clamp adapters

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